Community Services

District Nurses

The district nursing service is designed to treat you in you own home with nursing skills if you are housebound..

You may be referred to this service by your doctor or other NHS departments.

The role of the district nusres includes wound management, continence management, administration of drugs, palliative care (terminal illness), professional advice and liaison with other agencies. 24 hour service is available.

If you need to contact the district nurses ring the following numbers.

  • Normal Hours – 08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday can be contacted on Tel: 01706 260746. This number is not always manned, but you can leave a message on their answering machine, or ring the "Single Point of Access" number below. Don't forget to leave your number.
  • Out of Hours - after 17:00 to 08:00 Tel: 01254 291146.
  • Single Point of Access - an alternative number to ring from 07:45 to 17:15 7 days a week, 365 days a year is 01254 359126. This phone is manned all the time.

Patient Information

  • Nursing notes and equipment may be left in your home, please keep them safe.
  • Please be aware that if you are not housebound you may be assessed as being able to attend the treatment room to complete your treatment, this is in keeping with the Haslingden integrated team referral criteria which is available on request.
  • Please order and collect all prescriptions, equipment and other supplies as promptly as possible.
  • Your visit will be arranged at a mutually convenient time; however this may not always be possible.
  • With your consent the nurse may need to liaise with agencies and professionals. A copy of written referrals is available on request.

Specialist Nurse Practitioner

Responsible for initial contact with all patients residing in nursing or residential care homes.

Services include specialist expertise in diagnosis and treatment including prescribing for the elderly.

Health Visiting - Lancashire healthy young people and families

Health Visitors are Specialist Registered Nurses with a degree in preventative health care. They have specialist knowledge in areas such as nutrition, behaviour, sleep, immunisations, emotional health and relationships. 

They can be contacted between 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday through the community office on 0300 247 0040.


Health Visiting - Lancashire Healthy Young People and Families Service (

Community Midwives

Community Midwives are concerned with the antenatal (pregnancy care) and postnatal health (after the birth of a baby for a few weeks) of all mothers.

Please note that we do not offer any drop in clinics and all appointments must be booked in advance.

The following facilities are held at:

Haslingden Community Link and Children's Centre
Bury Road

Phone: 01282 804512

The midwives' clinics times will be given when you book.

Community Mental Health Team

A team of mental health professionals are available at

Balladen House
Union Road

They have many functions in the community including care of people with chronic mental illness and long-term counselling needs. Access to this service is via the GP or directly on 0845 057 0056.